Michael Fosmire

Michael Fosmire is Professor of Library Science and Head of the Physical Sciences, Engineering, and Technology Division of the Purdue University Libraries. Michael started at Purdue as the Physics, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences (PEAS) Librarian more than a dozen years ago, coming to the profession after receiving a master's degree in physics and an MLIS from the University of Washington. He has a longtime interest in the professional development of sci-tech librarians, mainly through work in the Physics, Astronomy, and Mathematics Division of the Special Libraries Association, including founding the division's mentoring program and developing the physics section of a continuing education course, "Physical Science Reference for Non-Scientists." He edited the physics section of the Guide to Reference and currently edits the physics section of Resources for College Libraries. He has authored more than twenty peer-reviewed journal articles focusing on collections, information literacy, and information use in the science and technology disciplines. Two of his papers have been selected as Library Instruction Round Table (LIRT) Top 20 Library Instruction Articles (2005 and 2012) and he received the American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) Engineering Libraries Division Best Paper Award and the ASEE PIC-IV Best Paper Award in 2012.

Sudden Selector's Guide to Physics Resources
Sudden Selectors Guide to Physics Resources—PDF e-book