Liorah Golomb

Liorah Golomb is associate professor and humanities librarian at the University of Oklahoma. She holds a doctorate in Drama from the University of Toronto and earned her MLIS at Pratt Institute. She has published several articles and chapters both within and outside of the field of librarianship. Her most recent publication is “’My Kind of Librarian or Your Kind of Library?’: Information Seeking Behavior in Supernatural,” in Loremasters and Libraries in Fantasy and Science Fiction, edited by Jason Fisher and Janet Brennan Croft.

Digital Humanities in the Library: Challenges and Opportunities for Subject Specialists
Digital Humanities in the Library: Challenges and Opportunities for Subject Specialists—eEditions e-book
book cover for Digital Humanities in the Library, Second Edition
Digital Humanities in the Library, Second Edition
product image for Digital Humanities in the Library, Second Edition—eEditions PDF e-book
Digital Humanities in the Library, Second Edition—eEditions PDF e-book