Lee Ratzan

Lee Ratzan earned his Ph.D from the School of Communication, Information and Library Studies (SCILS) of Rutgers University. He is a system analyst at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey and was formerly at the Princeton University Plasma Physics Laboratory and Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. He has taught the Information Systems/Library Technology class for the MLS program at SCILS over many years and has presented over a hundred Internet related training sessions to librarians as part of the SCILS Professional Development program. He was a columnist for Byte Magazine, the Newark Star Ledger, the Wilson Library Bulletin ("The Internet Cafe") and has written articles for Information Research, The Unabashed Librarian, The Nation, The Humanist, Chance,Unix Review, Windows NT Systems and Linux Journal. His other activities include teaching Beginner Swimming for adults for the American Red Cross, writing computer mysteries and jogging with classical music. He has two wonderful children, Jill and Aaron.