Kelly Getz

Kelly Getz is an Associate Professor and S.T.E.M. Librarian at Eastern Michigan University. She holds a BA in Chemistry from Michigan State University, and both a Master of Science of Information and a Master of Science in Bioinformatics from the University of Michigan. Prior to becoming an academic librarian in 2013, she was a high school chemistry and environmental science teacher. Her teaching philosophy, in brief, is: do things to foster curiosity and no things to harm it. Kelly’s research interests include information and data literacy in secondary and post-secondary education, inclusive design in libraries, and many other sciencey rabbit holes. Outside of the library, she dedicates her life, love, time, and everything to Juni, Lionel, and Boyd; together with whom she will always make (and eat) the messiest cookies.

book cover for The Data Literacy Cookbook
The Data Literacy Cookbook
product image for The Data Literacy Cookbook—eEditions PDF e-book
The Data Literacy Cookbook—eEditions PDF e-book