JoAnn Dumas

JoAnn Dumas is a retired branch manager with Key Bank of New York State. She is Ditzler’s sister, and she helped with the Lancaster book sale for many years. Dumas inspired the Friends of the Potsdam Public Library to adopt ideas from the Lancaster sale to begin their ongoing book sales. Since then the Friends group has grown and the community has rallied around this successful project. In 2002, Dumas retired and moved to Arizona, where she helped to reorganize the new Friends of the Oro Valley Public Library book sales. She has been recognized by the library and the Town of Oro Valley for her efforts in their success. She continues to volunteer with and mentor the book sales, serving on the Friends board as director of book sale operations. In 2011 Dumas was honored as Volunteer of the Decade by the Oro Valley Friends.

The author has been guest speakers at national, state, and local library conferences.

A Book Sale How-To Guide: More Money, Less Stress
A Book Sale How-To Guide: More Money, Less Stress--eEditions PDF e-book