Jeff Sundquist

Jeff Sundquist is the Dean of the Library, Learning Resources, and Online Education at Monterey Peninsula College. He has an MA and MLIS from UCLA and has been performing in the interconnecting spaces of the theater and libraries for an indeterminable amount of time. He was a Fulbright Scholar in Denmark, where he worked as librarian for theater, dance, and sports at Statsbiblioteket.

The Craft of Librarian Instruction: Using Acting Techniques to Create Your Teaching Presence
The Craft of Librarian Instruction: Using Acting Techniques to Create Your Teaching Presence—eEditions e-book
book cover for Your Craft as a Teaching Librarian
Your Craft as a Teaching Librarian: Using Acting Skills to Create a Dynamic Presence
product image for Your Craft as a Teaching Librarian: Using Acting Skills to Create a Dynamic Presence— eEditions PDF e-book
Your Craft as a Teaching Librarian: Using Acting Skills to Create a Dynamic Presence— eEditions PDF e-book