Tracy Gath

After serving as editor of SB&F for three years, Tracy Gath now is the editor of SB&F Online. She also is the co-editor of SB&F's Best Books for Children 1992–95, provides other editing services for AAAS's Directorate for Education and Human Resources programs, and wrote for and edited publications for Science + Literacy for Health projects, including the literacy toolkit “How Drugs Affect the Brain,” as well as The Brain Book and Brain and Behavior. Tracy received her bachelor's degree in environmental science from Antioch College in Yellow Springs, Ohio. She served on the board of directors of Hope, an adult education program in Washington, D.C. For fun, she jumps out of airplanes, enjoys the company of friends and family, and likes to see what’s around the next bend on hiking, biking, skiing, and canoeing trips.