Sarah R. Kostelecky

Sarah R. Kostelecky is the Director of Digital Initiatives and Scholarly Communication (DISC) for University of New Mexico Libraries. Her research focuses on outreach efforts to underrepresented communities, diversity in academic libraries and library collections, and Native American language resources. Previously at UNM, Sarah has served as the Education Librarian and Access Services Librarian in the Indigenous Nations Library Program (INLP). She earned both her MA in Information Resources and Library Science and BA in Sociology from the University of Arizona. Prior to working at UNM Libraries, Sarah was the Library Director at the Institute of American Indian Arts (IAIA) in Santa Fe, NM, the premiere educational institution for contemporary Native American arts and cultures. Along with David A. Hurley and Paulita Aguilar, she co-edited “Sharing Knowledge and Smashing Stereotypes: Representing Native American, First Nation, and Indigenous Realities in Library Collections,” a special double issue of the journal Collection Management. Sarah has enjoyed working in a variety of libraries including university, public, tribal college, and museum. She is a member of Zuni Pueblo in New Mexico.

book cover for Cultural Humility
Cultural Humility
book cover for Hopeful Visions, Practical Actions
Hopeful Visions, Practical Actions: Cultural Humility in Library Work
product image for Cultural Humility—eEditions PDF e-book
Cultural Humility—eEditions PDF e-book
product image for Hopeful Visions, Practical Actions: Cultural Humility in Library Work—eEditions PDF e-book
Hopeful Visions, Practical Actions: Cultural Humility in Library Work—eEditions PDF e-book