Randall McClure

Randall McClure has taught writing at several universities, including Miami University, Georgia Southern University, Cleveland State University, and Minnesota State University, Mankato. He researches in the areas of information behavior and academic writing, teaching and learning online, and academic policy. He has published articles recently in The Writing Instructor, Inside Higher Ed, portal: Libraries and the Academy, Computers and Composition Online, Academic Exchange Quarterly, Computers and Composition, Writing Spaces, WPA: Writing Program Administration, Writing and Pedagogy, and the Journal of Literacy and Technology. He is co-editor with James P. Purdy of The New Digital Scholar: Exploring and Enriching the Research and Writing Practices of NextGen Students and The Next Digital Scholar: A Fresh Approach to the Common Core State Standards in Research and Writing.

Rewired: Research-Writing Partnerships within the Frameworks
Rewired: Research-Writing Partnerships within the Frameworks — eEditions PDF e-book