Jeanie Austin

Jeanie Austin earned their PhD in library and information science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. They are a jail and reentry services librarian at the San Francisco Public Library. They have provided library services in juvenile detention centers and jails, and researched library services in carceral facilities, for over a decade. Their work has been published in First Monday, International Journal of Information, Diversity & Inclusion (IJIDI), Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, Libraries: Culture, History, and Society, and The Reference Librarian, among other venues. They were named a Library Journal Mover & Shaker in 2022.

book cover for Library Services and Incarceration
Library Services and Incarceration: Recognizing Barriers, Strengthening Access
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Library Services and Incarceration: Recognizing Barriers, Strengthening Access—eEditions PDF e-book