Deborah A. Fritz

Deborah A. Fritz is the co-owner of The MARC of Quality, a Florida-based company that provides training, software, and database services to help librarians create better MARC records. Formerly a cataloging trainer at a multitype library consortium and a cataloger at various libraries, she currently teaches an extensive array of cataloging workshops around the United States. She is the author of Cataloging with AACR2 and USMARC: For Books, Computer Files, Serials, Sound Recofrdings and Videorecordings (ALA, 1999). She is co-developer of several MARC processing programs, including MARC Report and MARC Global. Fritz earned her master's degree in library science at the University of Toronto.

Cataloging with AACR2 and MARC21: 2nd Edition, 2006 Cumulation
MARC 21 for Everyone: A Practical Guide